Programming Questions 1)WAP to sort N Elements in Ascending Order and remaining elements in Descending Order? Input :11 7 5 10 46 23 16 8 Ouptut: 5 7 11 46 23 16 10 8(If User Entered 'n' as 3) 2)WAP to Count the same positions if the String is reverse and Compare with Original String? Input :alphxxdida Output : 4 3)WAP for Data Encoder Application Input :"Abbcddd eef ghhhijjj aabbc, omg" Output :1A2b1c3d 2e1f 1g3h1i3j 2a2b1c1, 1o1m1g 4)WAP to check given string is a valid IPV4 address (or) not.If it is valid display true otherwise false. Input : Ouput : True 5)WAP to check the permutation of given string and print the ouptut? Input :abc Output :abc,bca,cab,acb,bac,cba 6)WAP to remove all the characters in second string which are present in first string? Input 1: ramesh Input 2: suresh Ouptut : us 7)WAP for own atoi function ? I...
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